Hybris Runtime Development Tools
Hybris Runtime Development tools is a set of the web/command-line utilities for hybris developers to progress faster with the everyday tasks and troubleshooting. Each utility is available both as a command-line application and as an API interface. So you can combine these components freely with your own toolset, both web-based and standalone.
- hybrisFlexibleSearch (100% ready)
- REST API and a console tool to FlexibleSearchService,
- FlexibleSearch command-line interface,
- Various output formats, such as TXT, TSV, CSV, XML,
- Using pipes and filters (grep, awk, perl etc),
- Cascade reference resolution (no more PK is in output),
- Handy for testing and troubleshooting
- Search by PK. No need to specify a type, just a PK.
- FlexibleSearch built-in beautifier (reformatter)
- Supporting a registry of hybris types without unique fields for proper resolution (
- Mixing types in Select is available now
- hybrisTypeSystem (100% ready)
- REST API and a console tool to the type system,
- Shows all available types,
- Shows the detailed information about the type,
- Shows the detailed information about the type attribute.
- Supporting collection types
- Search a type of the item by it’s PK
- hybrisBeans (100% ready)
- REST API and console tool with the common configuration,
- Shows the information about the specific bean,
- Changing bean values (!) on the fly.
- hybrisImpex (100% ready)
- REST API and console tool with the common configuration
- impex beautifier (reformatter)
- executing impexes from files (HAC-like mode)
- executing impexes from Media (HMC-like mode)
- hybrisMedia (100% ready)
- REST API and console interface to Media resources
- requesting information about the media item by code
- saving/displaying the media item by code
- uploading media files by media code
- hybrisConfiguration (100% ready)
- all configuration parameters with values
- changing configuration parameters (key/value)
- syncronization configuration parameters in memory with configuration files
- hybrisLog (100% ready)
- displaying current log entries (like tail -f logfile)
- changing the logger configuration (setting up the log level for any of thousands available classes)
- hybrisCronjob (100%)
- Displaying all the cronjob
- Starting / stopping cronjobs
- Changing cronjob attributes
- hybrisSession (0%)
- REST API and console interface to sessions
- Changing session attributes
- hybrisUsers (0%)
- REST API and console interface to the user and customer service
- sets up a current user by login
- change user-related runtime information
- hybrisSOLR (0%)
- REST API and console interface to SOLR search and SOLR indexer
- start/stop index
- request for SOLR data
- REST API and console tool with the common configuration
- Execute groovy scripts easily
- hybrisPWS (0%)
- console interface to Platform Web Services
This tool is a part of my hybris Runtime Developer tools package. It allows showing one-page all-in-one information about hybris beans using the command line interface.