hybris JSP secrets: Global JSP variables reference
The JSP capabilities are poorly documented in hybris Wiki. It is anticipated that the frontend and backend developers work closely, and frontend developers commonly expect that all necessary data are provided by page and component controllers. However, some data has already available in JSP and the frontend developers can leverage it. Most of the variables listed below are hybris-specific and not officially documented. However, you can find some examples of the usage in hybris OOTB templates. I decided to put all this stuff in one place to use it as a reference for future. See the last section of this article for technical details.Reference
- ${cmsPage.name}. CMS Page name (String). Example: “Homepage”
- ${cmsSite.uid} CMS Site Id (String). Example: “electronics”
- ${request.secure} https? (Boolean) Example: “true”
- ${header[‘host‘]} Current host+port (String) Example: “electronics.local:9002”
- ${request.contextPath} Context path without encoded attributes (String) Example: ‘/trainingstorefront’
- ${encodingAttributes} Encoding attributes (String) Example: ‘/electronics/en’
- ${encodedContextPath} Context path (String) Example: ‘/trainingstorefront/electronics/en’
- <c:url value=”/”/> Site root path (String) Example: ‘/trainingstorefront/electronics/en/’
- ${siteRootUrl} Site root URL (String) Example: ‘/trainingstorefront/_ui/responsive’
- ${siteResourcePath} Site resource path (String) Example: ‘/trainingstorefront/_ui/responsive/site-electronics’
- ${themeResourcePath} Theme resource path (String) Example: ‘/trainingstorefront/_ui/responsive/theme-blue’
- ${commonResourcePath} Common resource path (String) Example: ‘/trainingstorefront/_ui/responsive/common’
- ${loginUrl} Login URL (String) Example: ‘/trainingstorefront/electronics/en/login’
- ${jalosession.attributes[‘user’].anonymousCustomer} Is anonymous customer? (String (Boolean)). Use with caution! Example: ‘TRUE’
- ${jalosession.attributes[‘user’].uid} Current authenticated User ID (or anonymous, or empty, or null) (String). Use with caution! Example: ‘anonymous’
- ${jalosession.attributes[‘user’].displayName} User name (first name and last name) (String). Use with caution! Jalo attribute. Example: ‘John Smith’
- ${jalosession.attributes[‘user’].carts} Cart. The cart entries are also available. (List). Use with caution! Jalo attribute.
- ${authenticationStatusUrl} Authentication status URL. Response status: 401: unauthenticated . 200: authenticated (String) Example: ‘/trainingstorefront/electronics/en/authentication/status’
- ${CSRFToken} CSRF Token (String) Example: ‘6e8c4bf2-ef39-4d81-b439-ac25ef4e3e5’
- ${uiExperienceLevel} UI Experience Level (String) Example: ‘Desktop’
- ${uiExperienceOverride} Is detected UI level overrided? (String (Boolean)) Example: ‘FALSE’
- ${detectedUiExperienceCode} Detected UI Experience Code (String) Example: ‘Desktop’
- ${overrideUiExperienceCode} New UI Experience code from the configuration (String) Example: ‘Desktop’
- ${detectedDevice} Detected Device (object) (DeviceData) Example: ”
- ${detectedDeviceUserAgent} Detected Device User Agent (String) Example: ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.101 Safari/537.36’
- ${language} Current language ISO Code (String) Example: ‘En’
- ${themeName} Theme code (String) Example: ‘Blue’
- ${addOnCommonCssPaths} Paths to the CSS of the addon (list) (String) Example: ‘/trainingstorefront/_ui/addons/liveeditaddon/ responsive/common/css/liveeditaddon.css’
- ${addOnThemeCssPaths} Paths to the theme-related CSS of the addon (list) (String) Example: ‘
- ${addOnJavaScriptPaths} Paths to javascripts of the addon (list) (String)
- ${cmsSite} CMS Site Object (CMSSite)
- ${cmsSite.startPageLabel} Start page Label (just an example of use cmsSite object) (String) Example: ‘homepage’
- ${cmsSite.startingPage.code} Name of the starting page of the current cms site (just an example of use of cms site object) (String) Example: ‘Homepage’
- ${currencies} All available currencies (List)
- ${currentCurrency} Current currency (object) (CurrencyData) Example:
- ${currentCurrency.isocode} Iso code of the current currency (String) Example: ‘USD’
- ${cmsPageRequestContextData.page } Current CMS Page (Model) (CMSPage)
- ${cmsPageRequestContextData.page.uid} Current CMS Page UID (just as an example of use of cms page object) (String)
- ${languages} All available languages (List)
- ${metaRobots} Example: ‘noindex,follow’
- ${user} Current User (CustomerData)
- ${user.name} Current User Name (String)
- ${pageContext} (JSPContextWrapper)
- ${pageContext.request.remoteAddr} Visitor’s remote address (String) Example: ‘’
What variables come from the controller?
In order to answer this question you need to iterate through a pageRequest object:<c:set var='scope' value='${requestScope}'/>
<c:forEach items='${scope}' var='p'> <ul> <%-- Display the key of the current item, which represents the model atteribute name --%> <li>Model Attribute Name: <c:out value='${p.key}'/></li> <%-- Display the value of the current item, which represents the model attribute value --%> <li>Model Attribute Value: <c:out value='${p.value}'/></li> </ul> </c:forEach>Totally there are four scopes, and you can see the variables from the any of them using the code above (change the value of the c:set tag ):
- pageScope,
- requestScope,
- sessionScope,
- applicationScope.


- ${cmsPageRequestContextData.page.bannerComponents}
- ${cmsPageRequestContextData.page.description}
- …
- ${cmsPageRequestContextData.page.title}
- ${cmsPageRequestContextData.page.previewImage}
- …
out.write( (java.lang.String) org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate( "${XXX}", // expression java.lang.String.class, // expectedType (javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext) this.getJspContext(), null, //functionMap false //escape ) );
© Rauf Aliev, September 2016