Managing localized messages via backoffice
There is a well-known mechanism for internationalization (i18n) in Java known as resource bundles. They contain locale-specific resources, as usual, a file per the language version. Hybris uses the following naming convention for the files used as resource bundles: There are different families of the bundles for different websites and add-ons. Each resource bundle in the family contains the same items, but the items have been translated for the locale represented by that resource bundle. Those are key/value pairs. The keys uniquely identify a locale-specific object in the bundle. Hybris uses this concept for system messages, labels, button titles used in the templates to make them dependent on some website state, such as the language version. Bundle properties are named after the contents they are supposed to describe. There is a convention to use dot-separated words. For example,checkout.multi.paymentMethod.addPaymentDetails.generalError
The extension I would like to introduce pulls the messages from the database instead of the filesystem. It also allows administrators to manage the localized properties using the backoffice interface. All changes are immediately applied to the storefront. The important feature of this solution that it is fully compatible with the existing templates.Screenshots
Technical details
- Messages are in the database now. There is a key/value list in hybris, a new object called HybrisResourceItem, and a backoffice extension to work with the object data (key/value/storage).
- There is a storage that plays the same role as a property file does for the file system. Storage is used to group the key/value items. The same key can be created in the different storages. Different language versions or different websites are different storages. There is an object named HybrisResource for the If your e-shop uses 10 different property files, you will have 10 records in the HybrisResource.
- There is a memory cache for the messages to speed up the retrieval. The memory cache is implemented as a simple Map, key->storage content. This cache is invalidated each time you change the HybrisResourceItem.
- There are two large components of the solution:
- New resource management module:
- Extends the spring resource management module (replaces built-in property management with the one that uses hybris services)
- Synchronization:
- Async event-based synchronization
- HybrisResourceItem -> HybrisResource (async merging key-value items into a storage item to speed up a retrieval)
- HybrisResource -> HybrisResourceItem (async splitting the storage item into key-value items)
- Sync synchronization
- HybrisResource -> Memory Cache (if not cached before or when the cache was invalidated)
- Async event-based synchronization
- New resource management module:
public class HybrisResourceLoader extends DefaultResourceLoader implements ResourceLoader { Map<String, Resource> resourceCache = new HashMap<>(); @Override public Resource getResource(String s) { Resource resource = getResourceFromCache(s); if (resource == null) { Resource hybrisMessageResource = getResourceFromHybris(s); addResourceToCache(s, fileresource); ... } ... } } private addResourceToCache(String s, Resource resource ) { resources.add(s, resource) } private getResourceFromCache(String name) { return resources.get(s); } private getResourceFromHybris(String s) { ... } public clearCache (String name) }
public class HybrisReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource extends ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource { @Resource HybrisResourceLoader hybrisResourceLoader; HybrisReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource(){ super.setResourceLoader(hybrisResourceLoader); } public void setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) { super.setResourceLoader(hybrisResourceLoader); } }
public class HybrisStorefrontResourceBundleSource extends StorefrontResourceBundleSource { @Resource HybrisResourceLoader hybrisResourceLoader; protected AbstractMessageSource createMessageSource(final String basename) { ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = (ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource) super.createMessageSource(basename); messageSource.setResourceLoader(hybrisResourceLoader); return messageSource; } }
public class HybrisResourceUpdatedEventListener extends AbstractEventListener { static final private Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(HybrisResourceUpdatedEventListener.class); @Autowired HybrisResourceLoader hybrisResourceLoader; @Override public void onEvent(final HybrisResourceUpdatedEvent event) { hybrisResourceLoader.clearCache(event.getName()); } }
© Rauf Aliev, October 2016
Three things that every hybris project should consider | hybrismart | SAP hybris under the hood
16 November 2016 at 21:55
[…] The solution of the most listed issues is similar to explained in one of my previous posts, “Managing localized messages in Backoffice” […]
Julio Argüello
24 November 2016 at 03:43
Interesting topic, we have implemented a similar solution.
One important thing to take into account is cache invalidation at cluster level. A ClusterAwareEvent whose listener just “refresh” the resource bundle does the trick.
Another related topic is how does Hybris implements resource bundle hierarchy, in some cases it is too deep (mainly when addons are in place) and most of time the key is retrieved from the last bundle: this worst case is most of times the most frequent case… …so a lot of contention appear during stress tests…
Rauf Aliev
27 November 2016 at 08:43
Thank you, very useful points. It would be interesting to see at the performance tests to understand a level of impact of this piece of these system..