SAP Hybris: Thinking Outside the Box. PART 1 [Video, Russian + English]

This is a first part of the 3-hour presentation given by Rauf Aliev (EPAM SAP hybris Solution Architect) in SAP Moscow on Sep 29, 2017. The part 1 of the presentation contains the following topics:
  • About me
  • Architecture & research
  • SAP hybris in a nutshell
Next parts of the presentation are about the specific solutions, such as recommendation system or onsite search analytics module. In this introductory video, I tell about hybris development in the simple, concise and clear way. No special technical background is required. You will hear about the technologies under the hood as well as the requirements for the team to support and develop your SAP hybris system.
2017-09-05_17h07_11 SAP Hybris: Thinking outside the box. PART 1. Introduction download1
The video is originally in Russian. However, I translated it to English and added the subtitles to let you watch it without turning the sound on. If you speak Russian, I recommend watching the original version. In English (translated, audio+subtitles): IT IS PART 1. In Russian (original) IT IS PART 1.

© Rauf Aliev, October 2017

One Response

  1. (2/4) SAP Hybris: Thinking Outside the box. PART 2 OF 4 [VIDEO, RUSSIAN + ENGLISH]. Search Analytics | hybrismart | SAP hybris under the hood

    (2/4) SAP Hybris: Thinking Outside the box. PART 2 OF 4 [VIDEO, RUSSIAN + ENGLISH]. Search Analytics | hybrismart | SAP hybris under the hood


    9 October 2017 at 13:32

    […] given by Rauf Aliev (EPAM SAP hybris Solution Architect) in SAP Moscow on Sep 29, 2017. Click here to watch the first […]