hybris Type System command-line tool + web API
This tool is a part of my hybris Runtime Developer tools package. It allows showing one-page all-in-one information about hybris types or the specific type using the command line. It is much faster and more flexible than using hybris administrative console (HAC).Features
- REST API and a console tool to the type system,
- Shows all available types,
- Shows the detailed information about the type,
- Shows the detailed information about the type attribute.
Command-line interface
parameter | Description | Example |
–? | help, available options. Only for the console version. | |
type (-t) | Shows the list of attributes of <type> | query=Select {pk} from {Product} |
attribute (-a) | Shows the detailed information about the specific attribute | itemtype=Product |
pk | Identifies the type(s) behind pk and shows the results. It is a useful feature if you need to request the information about the item with the specified PK, but you are not sure / you don’t know what type is behind this PK. | -pk 8796176744449 |
Requesting the information about the available attributes of the specific type (in the example below it is “Product”)

$ curl "https://localhost:9002/tools/typesystem/type/Language/attributes" -k 2>/dev/null $ curl "https://localhost:9002/tools/typesystem/type/Language/attributes" -k 2>/dev/null Type: Language Supertype:C2LItem Subtypes: active→java.lang.Boolean→null→mandatory! comments→CommentItemRelationcommentsColl→null→optional ...
$ curl "https://localhost:9002/tools/typesystem/type/Product/attributes" -k 2>/dev/null | head -n 10 Type: Product Supertype:GenericItem Subtypes: ApparelProduct, VariantProduct allDocuments→ItemDocrRelationallDocumentsColl→null→optional assignedCockpitItemTemplates→Item2CockpitItemTemplateRelationassignedCockpitItemTemplatesColl→null→optional comments→CommentItemRelationcommentsColl→null→optional creationtime→java.util.Date→null→optional itemtype→ComposedType→null→optional modifiedtime→java.util.Date→null→optional owner→Item→null→optional
$ curl "https://localhost:9002/tools/typesystem/types?extension=hmc" -k 2>/dev/null hmc→HMCHistoryEntry hmc→HistoryActionType hmc→WizardBusinessItem hmc→SampleWizard hmc→ImportExportUserRightsWizard hmc→ImportUserRightsWizard hmc→ExportUserRightsWizardIn a similar way, you can request all the types from all extensions if you omit the extension param.
The extension is available by request. E-mail: Rauf_Aliev@epam.com. Skype: rauf_aliev© Rauf Aliev, August 2016