A number of customers have been talking about the upgrade policies defined by SAP for SAP Commerce Cloud and the Composable Storefront. I mentioned the upgrades last year in the hybrismart.com article.
Historically, since I first met hybris 4 in 2009 I have seen clients who did not upgrade their versions of SAP Commerce for years. However, that all changes with latest policy SAP have with the CCV2 environment.
These policies require that the merchant needs to keep on top of the upgrades which are currently being issued each month and therefore factor those upgrades into their development, testing and release cycles. Each release of SAP Commerce and the Composable Storefront has a 6 month validity period after which the release cannot be deployed.
A key question being asked is how onerous is this upgrading process ? and how often ? There are usually two views: 1) the “little and often” approach, a view also recommended by SAP, that upgrades should be factored frequently; 2) the “if it isn’t broke don’t fix it” approach where we have seen examples SAP Commerce version they use has passed its long term support date.
In the end, it comes down to priorities and costs and we have experienced upgrade projects taking months because the version being upgraded from is quite old.
In order to get a tangible view of the current upgrading of both SAP Commerce and the Composable Storefront I decided to undertake some sample upgrades on a local version I run. For those who are interested, I use an Oracle VirtualBox VM Debian guest running in a Windows 11 host). I have traditionally built SAP Commerce using the various out-of-the-box recipes and accelerators using the instructions published by SAP. To an extent, what I am doing probably reflects what many project teams have undertaken, in that someone needs to undertake the “upgrade” user story and share with their team.
In this article you will find the detailed walk-through.
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I was partly correct – but I had underestimated what would happen !. In fact as of end-November 2023, there have been 9 releases of the Composable Storefront since 5.0, now being released on an almost monthly basis, and there have been 12 update releases of SAP Commerce Cloud itself, now in the form of the “Continuous Innovation” releases 2211.x, and at time of writing to 2211 updated to release 2211.15 and also released on an almost monthly basis.
I suspect that between the time I write this, and the time you read that at least one more release of Composable storefront and Commerce Cloud will have been released. In this article, I will share some important updates on this topic. Read More »

- stopping support on the previous Spartcus versions (4.x);
- that Version 5 would be only available within an authenticated policy to SAP partners / customers; and
- Spartacus is renamed to Composable Commerce.
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Many merchants have 3 such environments typically defined as development, staging and production and as time passes by, the production environment receives multiple BAU changes to core data areas such as web content, products/categories/classifications undertaken by merchandising teams or product management and of course a lot of data is generated through customer registrations and orders placed.
However, the non-production environments are frequently not kept in line in terms of web content, product data or representation in terms of quantities of customers or orders. I’m not referring here to the code and core configuration related data that is included in builds.
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